Headless CMS Solutions

Get a headless CMS set up quickly with a fast static-site blog.

What Can We Do For You

If your business needs a headless CMS and blog, we can handle everything for you. We can set up a CMS of your choice, it can be Wordpress (headless using a plugin), Contentful, Strapi, or anything. We then build your front-end with Gatsby, a static-site generator that can source content from anywhere. That way you can focus on your content and we can focus on keeping your website running fast and looking great.

Benefits of Gatsby


Since the frontend is a static website, there are no active web servers and no reachable database, because of this there is a smaller attack surface improving security.

Fast Performance

Gatsby generates static websites so it can be stored on a CDN, that way it can scale and be served to visitors faster than traditional servers.


Decoupling gives your tech stack the separation-of-concerns allowing content managers to focus on content and web designers to focus on designing.


By using API to get your posts, your content can be integrated into any project or your tech stack allowing flexibility. In fact, we can also get your content from multiple sources.


You do not have to depend on plugins to build custom forms or integrate other features anymore. With a custom frontend, there are much cheaper and better options.

Future Proof

Since the CMS is API-driven, you can easily switch technologies and do not have to worry about obsolete frameworks.

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